If you are working in a Government department, you may know about “What is PIFRA DDO monthly expenditure” / PIFRA Budget (DDOB). These abbreviations are self-explanatory, and most Government employees know about them. This is a project of PIFRA.
The project P.I.F.R.A stands for Project to Improve Financial Reporting & Auditing, and the “DDO” is denoted as “Drawing & Disbursing Officer”. Both projects are for government employees’ assistance in getting monthly salary slips and the usage and other information of the respective DDO’s budget in their heads.
PIFRA DDO monthly expenditure by AGPR:
Everyone knows how a department is run based on the funds provided by the government to the respective departments.
If you want to find the Pifra DDO code list for various districts of Pakistan, you can visit the official website link http://m.pifra.gov.pk/DDODB, to check your DDO code with PIFRA DDO Monthly Expenditure. From the link mentioned earlier of Pifra monthly expenditure, you will have to proceed with 02 types of code: your Government Code and the Pifra DDO monthly expenditure of your districts. After entering the towing code, you can see the DDO monthly expenditure by Pifra. This process will provide you with all the details you are looking for about the PIFRA Budget and DDODB monthly expenditure list of your respective districts and the available resources you can utilize in the future.
The code of Government is listed here.
- P = Punjab
- F = Federal
- B = Balochistan,
- K = Kashmir
- GB = Gilgit-Baltistan
- N = KP Govt
- S = Sindh
- GBC = GB Council
- C = Kashmir Council
- DGP = District Govt Punjab
- K = KashmirDGN = District Govt KP
The PIFRA Budget/ PIFRA DDO Bill status is very useful in many aspects of the utilization of the Government budget especially for Government contractors. If you have chosen a building or other kind of contract with the Government department and want to know the status of your bill. Then you only have to come here and check your DDO PIFRA bill status to see, if your bill has been claimed or your budget has been issued.
You can check your bill status with two methods, one via SMS and the other through the online website. The PIFRA Budget complete information is discussed here.
From the first method, you have to have to follow some codes. Write the Government-issued code, then the district code, and then the token number of your bill and send it to 0514710910. The charges may be applied according to the rules.
On the other hand, you can check your bill status via an online website http://m.pifra.gov.pk with the demanded credential. The overlook of the PIFRA Budget is seen below.
The point is to be noted that by using buy using already mentioned methods, you can find the DDO monthly expenditure by Pifra, but that is annually, and you must divide it by 12 to get the monthly bill expenditure.
So you are now fully learned how to get PIFRA Budget DDO monthly expenditure detail and Pifra Bill status for the budget utilization by m.pifra.gov.pk. You can also download the PIFRA Pay slip registration details on our website. Moreover, you can also download the PIFRA slip form for registration online.
Plz add my vendor # 30356101 in my pay slip.